Google Adwords & Social Media
ClientFall River Family Medicine & Urgent Care | Date | TagsAdWords, Google Management, SEO, Social Media | Brief |

Fall River Family Medicine & Urgent Care – Google AdWords, SEO, & Social Media Presence
Fall River Family Medicine & Urgent Care opened their doors in 2013, hoping to provide a new option for people searching for local family physicians in the area. The office is ran by two doctors and a staff of over 10 nurses and specialists.
Starting a new business is never easy, especially when you’re dropped into an already saturated market with no online presence. Fall River Family Medicine & Urgent Care needed to gain exposure, both online and in the community, as well as create and send clear messaging that set them apart from other clinics.
We were tasked with constructing a presence from the ground up for the team at Fall River Family Medicine & Urgent. We built them a brand new website and immediately began running a variety of AdWords campaigns throughout the region. They saw immediate results as people from the small, surrounding communities began filling up their schedule as a result of finding them online. With overwhelmingly positive reviews on Google and a deeply rooted community reputation, Fall River Family Medicine has quickly risen to being one of the go-to urgent care’s/family physician’s office in the area.
Take a look at their website & channels here: