“And no farms. Everyone’s pushing small town rural. A farm book would just be white noise.”
-Miles Finch, Elf
When it comes to marketing, everybody competes in the same space. We’re all trying to figure out how to craft the right message and send it to the right audience. Then, when someone tries something new that works, everyone else jumps on board. In turn, cannibalizing one another’s marketing efforts. So often, as digital marketers, we obsess over cracking the “code.” The “code” being what attracts and draws people to a certain business or product.
We’re always asking ourselves, “What can we try that the competition hasn’t?” Or, “What is the new trend in social media?”
We stress out over figuring out how we can help businesses attract the gaze of potential new customers. Essentially, we are on a never-ending quest to get our clients’ noticed in the sea of white noise.
How can you differentiate yourself?
We are convinced that the greatest way to set your business apart is to own your story. Be true to your brand. Secondly, we believe that your marketing should be a reflection of that. You can still hop on the trending marketing strategies as well as try new things. However, you need to own your story.
What do we mean by owning your story?
Well, for starters, we mean that you know and understand your business better than anyone. You are where you are today because you deliver a quality product or service. You need to own that. All we really mean be owning your story is being proud of where you came from, how you got to where you are, and how you do business.
How to adapt with the changing times?
Embrace new technologies and be willing to try new marketing strategies. Doing this does not mean that you will change the way you do business, it just means that it might change the way your business gets found. Therefore, helping you get noticed in the sea of white noise.
Most of us don’t like change, but we often find that it’s not that scary once we give it shot. That might be the case for your business and the utilization of Google AdWords, social media, or a new website.
Change can be difficult to embrace, but remember, the changing of the world doesn’t mean that you have to change how you do business. Just how you market it.
How to be heard through the white noise?
Know your audience and be true to your brand.
And getting Google reviews.
The business you do in person, face-to-face with people is the best possible advertising you can do because people value their friends’ opinions. You run a successful business, all you need is for people to know where to find you and how to get in touch with you. One of the best ways of getting heard through all the white noise of marketing is positive reviews on Google. Capturing your customers after they’ve had a positive experience with your business is the best time to get them to write a review for your business. It’s one of the few things that we’ve noticed is sure to help your business cut through the noise and get noticed online.
It’s noisey out there. However, it’s only getting noisier.