Southeast Idaho pizza choices. What is the best? What is the worst? As an office, we came up with our thoughts on the matter. Read below to get our take on our favorite bake, PIZZA!

Everyone has their hobbies. Everyone has their favorite food. We believe that sometimes hobbies and food can intertwine. In this case, pizza, is both a hobby and delicious food. What makes pizza so great? For us, it is the idea that you can have any type of pizza imaginable. Everyone has had pizza before and if they say they haven’t, something is seriously wrong with them.

Whether you like to venture out and try some crazy toppings or keep it original with a nice cheese or pepperoni pizza, it really doesn’t matter because at the end of the day we are all enjoying pizza. Now there are different types of pizza people and we cannot argue that our personal preferences are the best or better than anyone else. Along with the topping topic, comes the where you buy your pizza topic. Some people are very specific about where they buy pizza.

We had a chance to discuss as an office the best Southeast Idaho pizza choices. After all, there are over 6 pizza chains right here in Rexburg. Let’s break it down by vote:

Domino’s – 7 votes. Clear winner. The seasoning on the crust just cannot be beat.
Pizza Hut – 5 votes. I guess people like hot dogs in their pizza crust.
Pizza Pie Cafe – 3 votes. Old fashioned buffet. Never gets old. We had the chance to build a new website for PPC. Take a look!
Papa John’s – 3 votes. 3 words. Garlic Dipping Sauce.
Papa Murphy’s – 2 votes. Take n bake. Little more work but worth the fresh taste.
Little Caesar’s – 0 votes. It is safe to say you only come here when you are on a time crunch or like the taste of cardboard.

It looks like our office loves DOMINO’s the most.

When it comes to the best, not all pizza is created equal and we will leave it up to personal preference when it comes to best Southeast Idaho pizza. One thing that all pizza lovers can agree on would be the idea that yes, most pizza chains get the job done, but if you can find a sweet local spot with the perfect pizza, then you might just be in heaven. Here is a list of some of our favorite Southeast Idaho pizza joints:

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Heise Pizza Parlor

Fresh and local, this place is a must. Located near Kelly Canyon Ski Hill. Along with enjoying amazing pizza, you can enjoy the 3 par golf course, zip-lining, the hot springs, and more. The all around atmosphere cannot be beat.

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Papa Tom’s

Located in Idaho Falls. Come enjoy some quality pizza. They also specialize in amazing sandwiches.

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Mackenzie River Pizza

Gourmet pizza with a variety of specialty pizzas. Enjoy the sandwiches, sides, and drinks as well. Make a trip to Idaho Falls today and try some great pizza.

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511 Main | Fountain and Pizzeria

Located up in Ashton, Idaho, this pizza joint provides the nostalgia of a small town diner with some amazing food. From local specialty pizzas to traditional toppings, you will find what you need at 511 Main.

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Rizo’s Pizza

One of the newest places in Idaho Falls gives you the chance to make your personal pizza and have it baked within minutes. A lunch favorite for our Idaho Falls team, Rizo’s provides amazing pizza at a price you can appreciate.


Writing this post has made us extremely hungry, now stop reading this blog post, find the nearest pizza place and go enjoy a little (or BIG) slice of heaven!